Thursday, May 8, 2014

British Invasion Black

Yeah, yeah.  I know Tuesday's are my blog days and that I'm two days late.  Don't blame me.  It was Free Comic Book Day on Saturday (May 3rd, 2014) and I've been binge reading the 58 comics that scored from 7 different comic book shops.  (Yes, I know that there were only 57 different comics but some of my awesome comic book stores allowed you to select some older real comics along with the official fcbd ones.)

One of my friends included among my nerdy gang of booty collectors last Saturday was awesome enough to bring me this tea.  She was recently in the Orlando area and stumbled into a World Market.  There she found a tea section to die for.  When she texted me pictures of my options, since she was nice enough to offer to buy me one, I was instantly drawn to this box.

The packaging is great.  Fun quotes, fun pictures, and an overall stereotypical display of British culture.  It's just too bad that it's actually Canadian.

The Indian grown tea is shipped to the Canadian manufacturer where it is then packaged before being shipped to the distribution warehouse in America.  That is the brilliance in packaging.  You'd think that a place like World Market would have items that match the authenticity of their name, but in this case it goes no further than the pretty box.

The tea itself is packaged in round sachets much like Typhoo and Tetley.  And apart from its Canadian roots, it does have the taste of a true British black tea.  That strength that you expect from a proper cuppa doesn't go unnoticed.  You wouldn't know that it wasn't authentic unless you inspected the box for its true place of origin.

So it may be a wolf in sheep's clothes, but it is still one beautiful sheep.  God save the Queen.... er.... or Prime Minister Stephen Harper.